Re-find Your Midwifery Spark

I’m an NHS midwife and writer who has supported students and staff online for over a decade. Sign up below for a 15 day free email series which will help you find your midwifery philosophy as a sensitive midwife committed to your profession and your clients.

This is a very personal project. There are things in this series that I wouldn’t feel comfortable publishing on social media. If you know me in real life, you are welcome to read it, but be prepared for a deep and individual take on midwifery and to get to know me very well indeed!

Where are you in your midwifery journey?

MidwifeDiaries is a blog for midwives and midwives in the making.

These are Ellie’s personal thoughts, not those of her trust or of NHS England.

Independent Midwife Joy Horner on Being a Soft-Hearted Healthcare (S)Hero

Independent Midwife Joy Horner on Being a Soft-Hearted Healthcare (S)Hero

In the second stage I do not dictate maternal position or coach pushing. As baby emerges the woman or partner receive the baby (unless there is a clinical reason for me to be hands-on, and that's rare). If the woman is unable to lift her own baby I place it beneath her (most women are kneeling), and cover baby with warm towel. Until the mother claims her own baby I visually assess baby's APGAR. No vigorous drying or stimulating are needed if baby is full term, cord is intact and colour, heart rate (assessed by feeling the cord) and tone are good.

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