Delivery Unit Skills for Sensitive People
In this video I discuss ways that I access my notes while working on delivery unit.
Anki can be found here. But download it as an app too; the beauty of having revision cards on your phone is a) you can revise on the move, and b) they are indexable and searchable so you can get to what you need on shift.
You can get soft ID card holders on ebay. I use Canva to make my printable cards. They are 5 by 8cm.
I’ve included the cards I use as a download as inspiration, but I would highly recommend making your own.
I haven’t included it for obvious reasons, but I also have a card with phone numbers for the likely suspects; the paeds (neonatal team) for assistance with resus; antenatal ward; postnatal ward; birth centre; reception; biochem lab; transfusion/blood bank (for checking on samples that haven’t been processed or someone might have mislabeled); triage, and practice development. I took a photo od the DU phone list and then worked out what the most common numbers I used were, to have easy access.
This box is about deciding which category babies are in, which will indicate what kind of observations they need
I used to forget how to measure for compression stockings (otherwise known as TEDS) - this is how I remembered!
This is a box showing our different protocols for observations on babies
This card reminds me how to work out medication doses.
This one is about CTG classification.
I’m not allowed to include this one for copyright reasons, but it’s one on vaginal examinations and what I’m feeling to work out positioning and can be found here, scroll down to figure 2.4.
This is my basic guide to cord gases, i.e. when we take blood from the cord after a baby has been born
Blood values for pregnancy - this is most relevant to screening for pre-eclampsia.