The easiest way to show you what we’ll cover is via some practice interview questions. Have a look at the following:
Initial Questions, such as -
Why would you like to be a midwife at our trust?
Tell us about your training.
What has been the most challenging thing about training?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Questions about Practice, such as -
What do you know about revalidation?
ell me about a time your identified something that could be a safety concern.
Tell us about a time where you experienced significant pressures at work.
Tell us about a time when you had to apologise for something.
Tell us about a time you contributed to exceptional teamwork.
Clinical Questions, such as -
You’re working on a ward and one of your midwifery clients has been discharged and is just about ready to go home. You hear her buzzer, go into her side room, and see she appears to be unconscious on the bed. You can see some blood pooling underneath her. Tell me what you’d do next.
If you classified an intrapartum ctg as suspicious but The coordinator continues to class it as normal and you’re still not happy, what would you do?
People get tangled up in terms of nerves but it's actually very simple. Make your answers about what you can offer women, birthing people and families in your care and what you say will show your midwifery potential. I'll show you how to find your ability in your skills and experiences and we can add some midwifery knowledge if this is what's needed. You can be your own vulnerable, passionate self in these interviews. In fact, that's often how you'll perform best.
Most of us have precious few opportunities to practice interview technique. Putting yourself under pressure in a low stakes environment will help you gain skill in answering questions on the spot.
Talking about a topic you’re passionate about can be a powerful way of communicating your ability. Most of us are too close to pick up on our biggest strengths and how they come across. Identifying yours will help you approach your interview with confidence.
If there's anything not on this page you'd like to talk about or cover, that's fine, just let me know when you fill out the form below.